Monday, November 8, 2010

Hotel Mike flyby!

If you can excuse the running with the camera in the beginning..... This video is the only time I have seen the airplane from the ground. I had no idea what it even sounds like. Sure takes a lot longer to turn around than the Cub did.

Enough building - Let's Fly!

With almost 40 hours of flying on the airplane I rarely have to take the cowling off anymore.

The airplane is an excellent design. Absolutely no problems related to the airframe or flying ability. The stability tests were a breeze.
And fast? I learned not to get behind a Cessna in the pattern. You'll be doing 360s.

After flying a J-3 Cub for decades, I expect climbing to be work. Not anymore. Catching a sunset from 4,000 feet is a ten minute job.

If you've ever built an airplane before you know: After a few hours of flying the hard endless hours of labor and struggle and brainstorming are difficult to remember.