Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The difficult part of down draft cooling


It would have been easier to form the plenum lid from foam and cover it, I think.  My way required going back too many times to strengthen edges and create the mating surfaces.  Note the ridge on this opening.  When the top cowling lowers into place it must meet this face.  Hopefully sealing can be accomplished with a bit of weather-stripping.


The real difficult part is getting the cowling on over the dipstick in such  a way that it is air tight.  The thing is just IN THE WAY!!  Finally, I shortened the dipstick tube 1 1/4 inches.  Now I can fiberglass right to it and it is down out of the flow of air.  Again, the upper cowl will have to join these surfaces in a tight fitting manner… somehow.  I’m sure somebody knows a better way to  get air from the cowl intake to the plenum.

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